Saturday, January 9, 2010

Did you see this in The Record?

Here's a Hackensack story that hasn't been reported in The Record of Woodland Park. It appears on Jerry DeMarco's The link is below.

Do referees show bias to Hackensack kids?


  1. This "story" on Cliffview Pilot is not a story. It's a soapbox DeMarco gave to a former co-worker who was pissed off about the officiating in games involving her son and nephew. A mom pissed off at football referees? That's a story????

  2. The legitimicy of her views isn't the issue. Parents who complain about the playing time their kids recieve or who think the refs or coaches aren't doing their job are dime a dozen. The issue is why highlight the concerns of one parent? Maybe because the parent is a pal of DeMarco, since they worked together at the Record years ago. You can't throw this so-called "story" up to the Record and imply the Record was wrong for not having it. There is no story here. This is a favor DeMarco paid to a pissed-off mom he used to work with.

  3. Unfortunately, access often determines what the media highlights.


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