Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oh, say, can you see Margulies?

Removed background, cropped, and converted to ...Image via Wikipedia

This is an insightful comment from Aaron Elson, a former news copy editor at The Record:

"It's amazing, but not surprising, that Margulies is nowhere to be found on the Record Web site; a search produced a cartoon from March 4. Two friends of mine have been longtime fans of Margulies and have often told me what a shame it is that he's been ordered -- for well over two years now -- to limit his cartoons to New Jersey subjects. Before that, they pointed out, his cartoons on national subjects often appeared in the Sunday New York Times collection of the week's best editorial cartoons. It has to be frustrating for an excellent editorial cartoonist like Margulies to have to put up with such a short-signed edict such as that. He is, after all, one of the more talented, and indeed hard-working, members of the staff. 

"Eye on The Record" says:

If memory serves, apparently it was Publisher Stephen A. Borg who ordered Jimmy Margulies to confine himself to New Jersey issues. Before that, Margulies' work was syndicated, and the newsroom mail box often was piled high with his cartoons in envelopes -- each one addressed in the cartoonist's beautiful script -- that were headed near and far, including one to his father in Teaneck.

 After all these years, the North Jersey Media Group Web site remains truly pathetic. Some of the best content of the newspaper never makes it to northjersey.com or is simply too hard to find. This despite specialized staff members (the digital news group) who were blessed with ergonomic furniture and new, flat-panel computers while the news copy editors struggled with old monitors and desks left over from the typewriter era.

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  1. In addition to the local New Jersey cartoons I do for The Record, I do separate national cartoons which are still syndicated and appear in the New York Times, USA Today, LA Times, etc.
    My cartoons are indeed on the Record web site. At times they are promoted along with the columnists on the home page. But I agree that at times they are hard to find. Those who wish to make the effort should go to the Opinions section on the home page of northjersey.com, click on that, and then look for my cartoons by scrolling down a bit more


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