Saturday, August 21, 2010

Francis and Momma bury the real news

Community gardens often have several horticult...Image via Wikipedia

Editor Francis "Castrato" Scandale led the paper Friday with the perjury indictment of ex-athlete Roger Clemens, so why did he bury the DWI guilty plea of former athlete Jayson Williams, who is in prison for killing his limo driver after a night of drinking (A-4)? Now, The Record of Woodland Park's front page has no real news today.

Scandale and head Assignment Editor Deirdre "Mother Hen" Sykes, also known as "Momma," have apparently agreed to cover only the more affluent towns in North Jersey -- turning their backs on minority communities such as Hackensack, Teaneck and Englewood -- so it makes sense for them to bury a story on the growth of local news blogs that go after those same advertising dollars (A-8), and treat it as a business story.

Scandale, whose wife is Cuban, continues to assign Cuba stories to a reporter who is a Cuban exile and whose anti-Castro sentiments are well-known (A-2). He's hen-pecked, not objective.

The Local news section today has no Hackensack news, which isn't news. That's the way it is most days.

Other sections continue to lose local flavor. The Better Living editors didn't bother trying to locate any community gardens in North Jersey; they just ran a wire service story today that mentions Houston, Cleveland and San Francisco.

The spoiled Borg siblings have done so much to hurt Hackensack and its Main Street businesses, isn't it time for them to give back a little by establishing a community garden at the old headquarters on River Street? 

After all, former Publisher Malcolm A. Borg has insisted on maintaining a Hackensack "presence" for The Record and North Jersey Media Group. Hope the Old Man is enjoying his summer as much as possible in view of how his greedy son has pushed him aside so totally.

Was it Publisher Stephen A. Borg's idea to put a story on slow cellphone chip production on Page 1 today, in a pitch to cellphone addicts such as himself? He kept his phone glued to his ear as he left the Hackensack newsroom so he wouldn't have to talk to any of the peons he was planning to get rid of.

  (Photo: A community garden.)
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  1. Step back from the keyboard and take a deep breath. Maybe more than one. Maybe more than 1,000.

  2. Thanks, Mr. Garber. But what will that accomplish, exactly?


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