This winter's crop of potholes has blossomed on Euclid Avenue, near Summit Avenue, in Hackensack, above and below. Other big potholes are on Euclid, near the railroad tracks, and on the Anderson Street Bridge to Teaneck. |
Barack Obama delivered one of the best speeches of his presidency on Tuesday night, but hundreds of congressional Republicans greeted his call to action by sitting on their asses.
And today, The Record's editors imitate those do-nothing conservatives by running a lame Associated Press story that calls the State of the Union address "the opening salvo in a midterm election fight for control of Congress" (A-1).
Aren't readers sick and tired of reporters obsessed with the next election, whether it is this year or two or three years away?
Why doesn't the media report on whether Obama's proposals are good for the country or focus on the greedy Republicans' war on the middle class?
Health, wages, women
AP reporter Julie Pace, one of the many hacks working for the wire service, begins the Page 1 story by claiming President Obama was seeking "to energize his sluggish second term."
Pace -- and The Record's Lindy Washburn -- have completely ignored the many success stories during the troubled roll-out of the Affordable Care Act.
Health insurance policies for members of my family and for current North Jersey Media Group employees are providing the same coverage for less -- more than $150 a month less in my case.
Obama called on Congress to "give America a raise" by enacting a federal minimum wage of $10.10 an hour, and also asked lawmakers to finally end pay inequality for women.
I didn't see that on The Record's front page.
Ignoring concussions
Super Bowl coverage appears in every section for yet another day, including a front-page report on depressed ticket and hotel-room prices (A-1, L-1, BL-1 and S-1).
There is an upbeat story on pro football players visiting children in their native Paterson (L-1), but don't miss the nostalgic tabloid on "New Jersey Super Bowl Legends."
Nowhere in today's special section is there any mention of whether Rutherford native Stan Walters, Frank Winters of Union City, Bob Kratch of Mahwah and other linemen suffered brain damage, dementia or early Alzheimer's from playing pro football.
The section appears the day after PBS re-broadcast its two-part Frontline documentary, "League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis."
Did Marty Gottlieb or any of the other Record editors see the documentary or are they just sitting on their asses day in and day out, twiddling their thumbs?
Jersey politics
Today's front page also carries the second day of an expose on how Port Authority Chairman David Samson and Governor Christie's brother, Todd, are benefiting from a $256 million renovation of the Harrison PATH station (A-1).
Sampson, a Chris Christie appointee, voted to approve the project.
An editorial on A-12 expresses outrage, but isn't this the way Jersey politics works on the regional, state and local level?
In Hackensack, members of a public-private partnership called the Upper Main Street Alliance are promoting downtown redevelopment, salivating over all of the money they will make from sale of land they own.
The reform City Council, meanwhile, is passing ordinances giving tax breaks for more apartment development, never pausing to ask whether there is room in the overcrowded schools (L-3).